Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So I've got a snow day today due to the enormous blizzard crossing the country.  Fortunately, I woke up at my normal time (lately) and did a bit of writing before my son got up; since then we've pretty much been playing Plants vs. Zombies.  Not a bad way to spend the day, actually, though I notice it's been very slow, with no sales yet today.  I did, however, tweak the product description for the novella to add a bit more detail.

I also made some notes for later development--there was an idea for a middle grade book that I had a while ago and last night it became much clearer how I might be able to do it, so that was nice, and I also had a revelation regarding the novel that I started several years ago after returning from a stint overseas.  So it's been a worthwhile morning.

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